What Is A Ties Blade?

What is a ties blade? Have you thought about the end parts of the ties and what are they called? The tie blade is the one end of the tie that is thicker than the other one. There are many different types of type blades that make the tie wearable on different occasions. And every tie blade has its own purpose. Today let us dig into the different types of tie blades, their use, their importance, and how to clean, wash, and maintain the ties. Have a read at the blow discussion that will help you understand what is a ties blade better and give you a new perspective towards them.

What Is A Ties Blade?

Tie Blade actually means tie blade which is the end part of the necktie which is thick. The “ties blade” is the front part of the tie when you tie the “TIE” and the back part is the fabric that is behind this. The back part is hooked in the loop of the front part of the tie which is the Tie blade. The tie blade makes sure that the tie is flat and holds it form once you wear it. Overall the tie blade contributes to the look, ease of knot, durability, and much more in a necktie. Let us discuss what is a ties blade today.

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Purpose Of Tie Blade

A tie blade is for multiple purposes of a tie blade in a necktie. Here are some of them that we have mentioned below that make what is a ties blade an important part of the tie.

  • The tie blade helps to maintain the shape and structure of the tie by giving stiffness to the tie. It makes the tie lie flat and also gives it a sharp look once you wear it.
  • The tie blade gives additional support to the fabric which enhances the durability of the tie. It protects the necktie from the wear and tear that can happen to it with time.
  • The tie blade helps and makes it easier to make a clean knot. It makes sure that the tie looks professional and gives a polished look to the overall appearance of the tie.
  • It gives the tie a uniform look with a consistent width and a smooth surface. Remember that the look is the most crucial part of the aesthetic look of a tie.
  • You get overall comfort wearing a tie when it gives a smooth and flat surface. It works as a prevention from wrinkles and bunching up of the tie.

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8 Types Of Tie Blades

To get a better grasp of what is a ties blade we would discuss about types of tie blades. The tie blade comes in various types and shapes that affect the overall look and even the function of the tie blade. The types that are mentioned below not only have different styles and preferences they also vary on occasion as well as describe the wearer’s fashion sense.

1. Standard Tie Blade


The standard tie blade has a traditional wide-end blade


This type of tie blade is often seen in classic neckties.


The standard tie blade gives a formal look and is ever-green in the world of ties.

2. Slim/Skinny Tie Blade


The slim or skinny tie blade has a narrow end when compared with a standard tie blade.


This style is commonly paired with modern and trendy outfits.


The slim tie blade gives a very sleek and contemporary look.

3. Bow Tie Blade


The bow tie blade is short and has a rectangular shape. It is also known as a butterfly-shaped tie blade.


As the name suggests the bow tie blades are often seen in bow ties.


It is perfect for all formal occasions and events.

4. Clip-On Tie Blade


The clip-on tie blade is a pre-tied blade with a clip mechanism


The clip-on tie blade is very easy to use and often used in uniforms


It gives a very neat look that too without putting any effort into tying a necktie.

5. Self-Tie/Traditional Bow Tie Blade


This is the type of tie blade that needs to be tied by yourself


This is often worn by the purists as formal wear.


One can customize it as they want and gives an authentic bow look.

6. Seven-Fold Tie Blade


The seven-fold tie blade is made of one single piece of fabric that is folded multiple times.


It is used as luxury and handcrafted ties.


It looks thicker and notable with a rich drape.

7. Knit Tie Blade


The knit tie blade is straight and has a flat end.


It is used to wear with casual and semi-formal wears


The knit tie blade adds a unique style element to clothes and your look 

8. Continental Tie Blade


The continental tie blade is narrow, flat, and mostly squared at the ends.


It is used for vintage and retro looks.


The continental tie blade gives a unique look inspired by mid-20th-century fashion.

What Is A Ties Blade & Its Importance?

So here what is a ties blade has its own importance in many different ways.

  • Enhances Shape And Structure

The tie blade helps in the maintenance of the tie shape and gives a neat, clean and professional look. It helps the tie to be firm and stay as it is without being floppy.

  • Give Aesthetic Look

A well-designed tie blade gives the tie a very clean and aesthetic look while ensuring that the tie is draped properly. It helps in keeping the tie flat with the shirt and enhances the look of the one who is wearing the tie.

  • Extends Durability

The life of the tie is extended when it gets structural support which protects the tie from getting extreme wrinkles, especially near the known area of the tie.

  • Make Ease ForMakinh Knot

The tie blade assists in making a symmetrical nd consistent knot which is the most crucial part especially when wearing a tie for a professional appearance.

  • Provides Comfort

A perfectly made tie blade ensures that the tie is comfortable around the neck that is there is no discomfort or irritation.

  • Gives Consistent Width

The tie blade is made to be maintained in such a way that it helps maintain consistent width throughout the tie. This ensures that the necktie gives a balanced and pleasant look.

  • Make The Tie Versatile

The different tie blades give different looks and options to try versatile fashions depending on the occasion and styling choice.

  • Give a Professional Look

When wearing a necktie for business and formal looks a well-maintained tie blade enhances the professional look and gives a very good and positive impression.

Care and Maintenance Of A Tie

Taking proper care of the tie ensures that the necktie remains in good condition and lasts longer. The tips mentioned below if followed carefully can keep your ties looking sharp and extend their life ensuring that they look stylish and are timelessly usable in your wardrobe..

General Care

These are the tips to take care about some general things when wearing a Tie

  • Untie Carefully

Always take care while you are untieing the necktie especially while reversing the knotting process. Avoid pulling the narrow end of the tie from between the knot which will avoid the unnecessary stretch and wrinkles on the tie.

  • Avoid Spills

Be careful while you are eating and drinking and take care that there are no spills on your tie. If unfortunately something happens then take care to immediately take preventive action so that the damage is not permanent.


When washing your tie take care of the following thing.

  • Spot Cleaning

If you see some minor stains then take a damp cloth and gently blot the stain while not rubbing it hard. If you rub any stain hard it is pushed deeper in the fabric.

  • Dry Cleaning

For deep cleaning of the fabric, you should take the tie for some professional help for dry cleaning. Tell them the spot where the stain is to ensure that it gets cleaner and proper treatment.

  • Avoid Washing Machines

You should never wash the neckties in washing machines or in dryers it can ruin the shape and fabric of the tie.


Storing the tie is another crucial part of keeping the necktie.

  • Hanging

To keep your ties wrinkled-free hang them either on tie racks or hangers while ensuring that the tie is hanging straight and not clustered or bunched up.

  • Rolling

Another method to store your ties in a drawer or box is to roll them loosely as this method also ensures that the ties are stored wrinkle-free.


The maintenance of the tie is another important part of ties. 

  • Ironing

Always use a steam iron on a low setting and place a thin cloth between the tie and the iron or use a handheld steamer which is an even better option.

  • Resting

Change your ties regularly by rotating different ties which will help to keep their shape maintained and also prevent them from getting worn and torn from frequent use.

  • Proper Knotting

When making knots use appropriate knots that are as per the width and fabric of the tie and also note that an overly tied knot can damage the fabric. It can also create a permanent crease on the tie that will be difficult to erase.

Handling Stains

If unfortunately, you get some stains then here are some tips for it.

  • Immediate Action

Blotch the spill as soon as you can. Sprinkle some cornstarch or talcum powder whichever is available on the greasy stains before brushing off this will absorb the oil.

  • Professional Help

Some stains need professional help so take your tie to dry cleaners who are specialized in removing stains from delicate fabrics.


So what is a ties blade is very important for maintaining the shape and structure of a well-worn necktie, no matter whether it is a neck tie or a bow tie. The tie blades make sure that the ties can be draped properly and the knot-making is made easy. It also helps in the durability and long life of the tie. Taking proper care of a tie can also enhance its life of it. Select your tie having a tie blade according to the occasion and fashion you are wearing. Different types of tie blades are made for different occasions and the most common and professional one is the standardized tie blade. This might have surely made you more aware of what is a ties blade.


Can You Tell Different Parts Of Necktie?

Here is a list of some of the parts of NeckTie

  • Shell
  • Blade
  • Neck
  • Tail
  • Interlining
  • Keep loop
  • Label
  • Tipping

What Is Be Width Of The Tie Blade?

It can range from 2.7 to 3.3” in width

Why Do Men Wear Tie?

A person wearing a tie is a representation of well well-dressed and confident man. Wearing a tie is the epitome of a fashion statement.

What Are Some Of The Accessories Used With Tie?

Here is a list of accessories that used with tie

  • Tie bar
  • Tie clip
  • Tie Chain
  • Tie pin and Tie Tack
  • Tie strap